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Monday, February 28, 2011

Chalky Milk, La Madre, and Sentimental Memories...

Greetings again from Honduras. Its late on a Monday night and I’m feeling goofy, pondering my 2 months left, and eating Oreo cookies and milk…but I can’t get this taste out of my mouth.

Let me tell you about Honduran Milk made by Sula. Its great for shakes, its pretty good with cereal, but straight out of the bag (yeah its made in a bag) it tastes like chalk. I can’t figure out why. Things always taste different here, but this one sticks out to me tonight.

So what’s been happening.? Here we go…

Last month during my group’s Close of Service Conference, I was reminded that my days here are numbered. However, some of my most fun and meaningful memories are taking place.

At the COS conference, as we call it, the Honduras 14 training group(meaning those of us in country who arrived in Feb of ’09) reunited to talk about our service and prepare for the next part of our lives. It was truly an awesome time. There we caught up with friends, prepared ourselves for the job search to come, and discussed the importance of development in the world.

It was also a bit sad. It was the last time I would see many of the volunteers from our group, and a reminder that the end of this is near. But more importantly, the feeling of appreciation and respect at the conference was obvious. Many of us had not seen each other in a while, but we were all reminded how much our work and experience means to us, and how close we are because we shared this rare experience with each other.

Taking a complete 180, I just want to share with you about a certain spot booming in my town of Santa Rosa. The place is called the Canti Madre. It’s a cantina, or bar, but not like we know them. A cantina in Honduras would be like a dive bar, but when I say dive bar, I mean think of the worst dive bar you know, now multiply that by about 5 and you’ve got a cantina.

La Madre was really Cantina-y when I first arrived here. But its becoming somewhat of a popular spot. Its getting nicer, but again, in relative terms. At this Canti Madre they sell the famous “Limonadas,” and now even have a “Maracoulla” (Passion Fruit). These drinks consist of 1 part of the natural juice (lemonade or passion fruit), 1 part guaro (local alcohol that could be related to a mix of rubbing alcohol and tequila), and 2 parts sugar. These things will put you out no joke. I have two and I am feeling good. I went there once in my first year and a half of service. I’ve been there 3 times in the last month. Cool little place.

If you ever come to Honduras, make your way to Santa Rosa and visit “La Madre.” You won’t be disappointed.

So to be honest, with only 2 months left thinking about the end is inevitable, and it chokes me up a bit thinking about it. I actually try not to think about it sometimes.

Living with other gringos in Honduras awesome. To have such an understanding with other Americans about working here is awesome. It’s an understanding we will have of each other that no other outside of Peace Corps Honduras will ever really have. It’s a pretty cool thing. If only everyone all around the planet of different cultures, countries, and governments could just get more of an understanding of each other, I think the world would be a better place.

The other day I worked a medical brigade with some awesome fellow volunteers along with an American group who came in from Texas. Yes, I saw some boobs again, a kid get parasites pulled out of his head, and many kids with lice. It was great. Although, I am so worried I am going to get Lice I’ve been washing with Lice shampoo. But I digress…

So we were talking to one guy from the visiting group who was asking the typical questions about living here. He was real interested and its cool to share the experiences. We told him about the good times, the bad, and the in between. Then he said, “that sounds awesome. You guys are probably gonna look back on this as the best time of your life.”

You know what? He’s probably right.

2 months left. What times!

…until next time

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