Greetings again from Honduras. Wow, it’s almost been a month since I have written a blog. I even checked my archives to make sure that was right. Where has the time gone? The answer; I have no clue.
Honduras swore in a new president and he seems to be getting stricter. I have traveled for work a couple times in the last month and each trip there were at least two police check points to stop at. In case you don’t Honduras is becoming the new drug trafficking capitol of latin America now that Mexico is coming down hard on its narcos (drug traffickers).
Also, the other night I was enjoying some cervesas with friends here in town and 8 people, cops and law enforcement personnel, came in to crack down on underage drinking. Some Hondurans said the new president really wants to crack down on crime. Good thing, as Honduras has one of the highest per capita murder rates in the world.
The podcast series is still going so don’t forget to check it out on iTunes. Search Peace Corps in the iTunes store (La Vida HondureƱa) or go here.
I am trying to help get my NGO a new website again. The project was stalled for a bit but we are applying for funds and getting quotes to get this thing built. Cross your fingers.
After the aldea survey, I got my site-mate Kat, who works with water systems, to join me on a project to get a water system to a small community in our municipality. The community is all but forgotten, as it is far from town, and we are gonna see if we can get them a system. Cross your fingers on this one too.
I am going back to my video roots and making a new video for the business project as well as doing some additional promotional designs. I try to keep my creative side healthy with projects. So these ones, even though internal, really fuel that.
Best of all, though, is that my parents, bro, and sis are coming down here in a week. I obviously am really looking forward to this as I haven’t seen them in quite some time. I am gonna show them the town and then head to the islands. I finally get to go diving again.
My grandma sent me an email reminding me how important it is to live for today, live for the moment. I am learning this more and more. The more I think about the past, and the more I worry about the future, the more mixed up my mind gets. Yesterday is done and tomorrow will take care of itself. Live it up.
I will have been in this country a year on February 25th. What a ride it’s been so far. I can’t do much but smile and be thankful that I even get to do this.
…until next time.